Art Scarves

Silk, cachemire, wool, cotton, linen and micromodal

I tessuti in Micromodal hanno colori molto brillanti, restano morbidi anche dopo tanti lavaggi, perché non trattengono il calcare dell’acqua.

Tiziana Musa

Tiziana Musa was born in Penne where she lived and breathed art and fashion from an early age.

After leaving school, she undertook specialist studies on the fashion industry at the Istituto Secoli in Milan. She then graduated in economics and management at the Università G. D’Annunzio in Pescara.

She began her professional career in the world of fashion in 1990 and rose steadily to become head of design in a famous French fashion house.

The encounter between Tiziana and Eugenia gave rise to the ‘Art Scarves’ project

The colours in Eugenia’s work captured my attention… and from that moment my mind began to travel to a place without time to bring those same feelings to the world…”. Tiziana Musa.

She is currently involved in the design of a new collection of Art Scarves, amongst other things…

Tiziana Musa

Tiziana Musa was born in Penne where she lived and breathed art and fashion from an early age.

After leaving school, she undertook specialist studies on the fashion industry at the Istituto Secoli in Milan. She then graduated in economics and management at the Università G. D’Annunzio in Pescara.

She began her professional career in the world of fashion in 1990 and rose steadily to become head of design in a famous French fashion house.

The encounter between Tiziana and Eugenia gave rise to the ‘Art Scarves’ project

The colours in Eugenia’s work captured my attention… and from that moment my mind began to travel to a place without time to bring those same feelings to the world…”. Tiziana Musa.

She is currently involved in the design of a new collection of Art Scarves, amongst other things…

Eugenia Papa

Eugenia Papa graduated from the Liceo Artistico Misticoni in Pescara.

During her studies, she participated in numerous workshops on painting, ceramics, and working with wood, some of which with external exhibitions, such as ‘Le ombre dell’anima’ (Shadows of the soul) on the theme of bulimia/anorexia, staged in conjunction with the Vittoria Colonna Museum.

After graduating, she continued to study and practice painting, always under the guidance of Wally Gammelli (a long-standing tutor at the Pescara school of art), experimenting with different techniques, such as tempera, watercolour, gesso and batik, on fabric and paper.

However, she worked mostly in oil on linen or coarse hemp canvas. She also tried her hand at sculpture with a chisel on stone.

In September 2009 she staged a one-woman exhibition in her attic studio, which was visited and appreciated by a wide public. Recently, she showed one of her paintings at the MuMi in Francavilla al Mare, as part of an exhibition dedicated to Gabriele D’Annunzio.

Eugenia Papa

Eugenia Papa graduated from the Liceo Artistico Misticoni in Pescara.

During her studies, she participated in numerous workshops on painting, ceramics, and working with wood, some of which with external exhibitions, such as ‘Le ombre dell’anima’ (Shadows of the soul) on the theme of bulimia/anorexia, staged in conjunction with the Vittoria Colonna Museum.

After graduating, she continued to study and practice painting, always under the guidance of Wally Gammelli (a long-standing tutor at the Pescara school of art), experimenting with different techniques, such as temperawatercolourgesso and batik, on fabric and paper.

However, she worked mostly in oil on linen or coarse hemp canvas. She also tried her hand at sculpture with a chisel on stone.

In September 2009 she staged a one-woman exhibition in her attic studio, which was visited and appreciated by a wide public. Recently, she showed one of her paintings at the MuMi in Francavilla al Mare, as part of an exhibition dedicated to Gabriele D’Annunzio.

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